Deniz PETEKKAYA, Foreign Trade Coordinator of FARMAVET INTERNATIONAL, has visited distributors, farms and feed mills in Lebanon as the last destination of Farmavet’s Middle East Visits in 2017

The Lebanese dairy sector has grown and diversified throughout the years, proving its economic standing as a key player in the agro-industrial sector. The dairy industry extends from small familyowned businesses to sizeable well-established firms. Foreign and institutional investors have entered the market, advertising has inflated, and competition is fierce. Several dairy farms date back centuries, showing how trade is passed on from generation to the next. (source: Blominvest bank)

Dairy has long been a part of the Bekaa Valley’s history, known as Lebanon’s dairy basin. The Bekaa governorate is home to extensive dairy farming, covering 44% of the country’s total farming land. Nearly 75%-80% of Lebanon’s cows, 45% of goats and 35% of sheep are raised in the region, which produces 188 tons of milk a day.

The Bekaa region has 1,500 dairy cow farmers for over 18,000 cows, and approximately 150 creameries with a predominance of small traditional dairy operations

According to Roula Makhoul, from the Lebanese Dairy Board, the size of the dairy market in Lebanon is approximately $200M, with a total production estimated to be at 62,000 metric tons per year.

However, Lebanon has a much higher production capacity of around 160,000 metric tons per year, of which 31.25% is UHT liquid milk (Ultra high-temperature milk that has been pasteurised at a higher temperature, but for a shorter time, to preserve taste and nutrition), 18.75% yogurt, 15.63% aayran, 12.5% white cheese, 9.37% Labneh, 6.25% ice-cream, 5% Halloumi, and 1.25% flavoured yogurt. Source: Blominvest Bank

Lebanon has a rich history, despite the political struggles in the past, the endeavour of its people has managed to keep the country’s economy in a good position. As a result of their perseverance now three are many farms who are looking forward to enlarge their capacity and improve their quality.

Farmavet products used recent years  have become the pupil  of  both farmers and dealers. As Farmavet, we are happy to ensure our natural and high quality feed and water additives and  support  farming  with our products  there.