- It is a mixture of organic acids which are extracted from the mineraloid Leonardite.
- The unique source of premium Leonardite rich in humats is only available in certain locations in the World.
- The processing technology of its active ingredient has been developed through the years and today belongs to Farmavet Interntional.
- Consisting of organic acids such as humic, fulvic and ulvic acids which are totally natural. FARMAGULATOR XP® plays a role of bio-stimulator and bio-regulator for all kinds of poultry.
Since it has been scientifically developed by Farmavet International R&D Department for poultry, farm animals and
swine in 1998, FARMAGULATOR XP® has been cited in many scientific articles, used in many poultry farms and integrated
poultry companies around the World.
• Growth Promoting effect:
It reduce the FCR level and improve BWG at farms.
• Protective film effect:
It makes protective film coverage in the intestinal system against toxins and pathogens.
• Para-immunological effect:
It has positive effect on hematological parameters.
• Anti-resorptive and adsorptive effect:
It will avoid heavy metals to harm the animal body.
• Antiphlogistic and Astringent effect:
It will avoid inflammation and scar tissue.
• Anti-bacterial effect on caecum coliform:
This effect helps to prevent poultry necrotic enteritis. Researches shows there is a considerable total coliform bacteria reduction in caecum and, healing in enteritis problems after use of Farmagulator XP.
• Supportive effects on viral immunity.
The Results Of These 7 Effects:
For Broilers, Breeders & Commercial Laying Hens:
• Increase in meat production and quality.
• Increase in the average live weight of animal.
• Decrease in feed conversion ratio.
• Increase feed efficiency in utilization.
• Resistance against diseases.
• Remove vaccination, beak cutting, dirty air, transport, elimination of the negative effects caused by temperature and other stress factors.
• Support the development of bone tissue in animals.
• Reduction in fatty liver syndrome.
• A positive impact on the quality of the shell.
• A significant reduction in mortality of old laying hens.
• A positive effect on egg fatty acid composition.