The United Kigdom is one of the largest compound feed and poultry meat producers in the World. According to numbers declared online, in 2016, the United Kingdom slaughtered 895 Million birds (including broilers, turkeys, fowls). The anual broiler meat production of the country is about 1.5 Million tons in 2016, slightly less than Turkey’s production of broiler meat which was about 1.9 Million tons. However, if we add fowls, turkey and duck meat production the total quantity of meat prıduced in the Untied Kingdom can reach to 1.8 Million ton last year. In 2014 the country produced over 11 Million tons of compound feed.

During the UK visit, several briefings have been given to farmers and agri-business owners about Farmavet Inyernational’s unique product FARMAGULATOR XP. The 20 years long history of the product and positive results of this scientific innovation have impressed the future users of FARMAGUALTOR XP in England. With its distributors broiler, layer and turkey farms as well as dairy, beef cattle and pig farms have been visited by FARMAVET INTERNATIONAL.

«The country is planning to switch to natural growth promoters in animal nutrition and this is a good opportunity for us to promote natural and unique products. We are excited to get positive feed backs from British farmers. Soon they will see technical and financial benefits of using FARMAGUALTOR XP at their farms. I believe we are working on a very valuble thing for the next generations, so they can have residue-free animal product at the grocery stores» – Deniz Petekkaya, FARMAVET INTERNATIONAL

The poultry sector in the UK is divided into two sections, integrators and independent producers. Approximately  6 companies in the sector serve as integrated poultry company  and 16 companies are serving independently and have 20% of the marketshare. The broiler chickens are being slaughtered for different market demands at different times, reaching different weights of 1.6 Kg, 1.8 Kg, 2.1 Kg, 2.5 Kg.